It’s not often I get into a snowball fight and this was one I knew I was going to lose from the start, but I didn’t care. I was having the time of my life in a magical moment with God.

Living life at the foothills of the majestic Pikes Peak offers many picturesque moments and this morning was no exception. I awoke to a bountiful spring snow that left everything blanketed in layers of white. Snows arriving in the spring come quickly and depart just as fast, leaving behind feet rather than inches to measure. As the storm passes, the sun comes out with all of its brightness and the earth awakens to its warmth. It doesn’t take long before the snow becomes slush and streams of water roll everywhere.

Having to be at the office, I braved the streets and maneuvered my way through the morning traffic. I took a side road – one that I traveled often because it was rather enchanting. The trees on each side of the street were older and tall, and the branches hung high above the street to create an archway to pass under. There was an aura of pomp and circumstance as you drove down through it. That morning, the branches bowed low as the new snow laid heavily upon them.

Traveling along, I was startled by a loud noise. Something had hit the roof of my car. I was utterly caught off guard and ducked down in response. Just as I was gathering my thoughts and sitting back up behind the steering wheel, I was hit again. As I looked around to see if there was someone throwing something at me, a huge, white ball of snow came directly at my windshield. Splat! Natural instinct forced me to duck down in order to protect myself. Snowballs kept coming, one more rapidly than the other. I was taken aback at how many times I was getting hit, although I had convinced myself that ducking down each time was not a safe driving technique. The further I drove, the harder I got hit. Not seeing anyone else around, I yelled up to God, “You know, Lord, it’s not fair to start a snowball fight with someone when they can’t even throw one back!” The snow continued to roll off the branches as I passed by, and as I came to the end of the street, I could no longer hold back the laughter or the joy of getting into a snowball fight with God on my way to work.

There are many storms that come our way while we journey through life. Some come and go, others will come and stay for a while. Some will quickly leave an impression upon our hearts, showing us the beauty of the Lord like a rainbow after a thunderstorm. Others will linger and cause us to question God’s presence or his attentiveness to all that is happening around us.

The period of time prior to the snowball fight had been a very trying time. Many changes were taking place, adjustments were having to be made, and my stress level was rising to an all time high. I knew God would not leave me, but the weight of my own personal storm was causing great grief. Tears often fell as prayers seemed unanswered.

Psalm 30:5 says, “For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (NRSV). In spite of all that was happening in my life, joy had come to me that morning, without warning, and straight from the heavens. All of the cares that I had been carrying rolled off my shoulders, just like the snow falling off the branches as I passed by, and my heart was filled with joy. It took a snowball fight, but God finally had my attention.

Since that time, there have been many storms and God has woven his peace in and around many of them. Some gave new insight and compassion to help others who are going through similar situations. Some just delivered their brutal devastating blows and moved on, leaving only pain and sorrow. Some brought blessings in disguise. But no matter the storm, this I know. When you least expect it, God will show himself, even if it comes through a one-sided snowball fight.

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